Awards and Prizes

We are pleased to announce the following new inaugural award:

Honourable Dr Robyn Layton AO QC Award


The Honourable Dr Robyn Layton AO QC Award will be awarded for the first time in 2018.  The Award has been established to honour a practising female lawyer in South Australia in recognition of their outstanding efforts in the law.
Nominations are open year round and the Award is presented each year at the Women Lawyers Association of South Australia’s annual Christmas Drinks with the Judiciary function.  Please consult the Criteria and Conditions for further details.  Please send your nominations to, marked for the attention of the Secretary.
For more information please see the following documents:


WLASA has previously sponsored an Academic Prize for the top student in the following law subjects:

Flinders University – Women’s Rights and the International Protection of Human Rights

The following students have received this prize:

2014 – Arista Kontos

2012 – Alyssa Sallis

The University of Adelaide – Anti-discrimination and Equality Law

The following students have received this prize:

2013 – Michael Norris


Members and the public are welcome to suggest ideas for new awards by email to the Secretary at